Health & Nutrition

Weight Loss Made Easy: Some Weight Loss Tips

Losing weight is actually easy. I know it’s the most offensive remark anyone who’s struggling to lose it has ever heard. But yeah it really comes down to following those same old clichés we’ve heard over and over again on TV, read in books and magazines, came across in miracle diet plans. I’m going to use a tough word here but that’s what it really is about, its about discipline and drive. Unless you are completely convinced in your mind that you need to lose weight its difficult to achieve any success. You need to feel that drive and motivation in yourself. You have to realize its you who’s going to benefit and not the people who now disapprove of your weight and fitness status and who will later on will compliment you on your makeover. It is you for whom it should be done and you need to believe that you deserve it. Fitness is not just for movie stars. You can be just as fit and attractive. You are worthy to look the best you can, be the fittest you can be and feel like a million bucks. You don’t need anyone’s approval and no one’s worth that. So if you have a couple of pounds to lose and are ready with the devotion, commitment and self-esteem it takes you’ve come to the right place. Follow these rituals, make fitness your ultimate destination, and become a rock star!!


  1. You have to workout no matter what. No arguments about that part.
  2. You have to eat right. You are what you eat so every bite you ingest is going to show on your body. Be careful with that. You want your body to be healthy and to look good so give it the right and healthy food.
  3. You are allowed to cheat if your basic intelligence tells you that a little junk food that will only give you momentary pleasure is worth risking the efforts you are making to achieve your fitness goals. So decide for yourself you know better.
  4. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a queen, and have dinner like a pauper. It can work miracles.
  5. Limit your calorie intake to 500 calories less than what you normally require. You can go lower than that if you have a nutritionist assisting you in your weight loss. Ideally for a sedentary person the calorie intake (as approved by U.S FDA) should be 2200 calories.
  6. Limit your caffeine intake to a maximum of 3 cups a day of either green or herbal tea. Do not cut out caffeine altogether from your diet as advised popularly. You need it (at least healthy caffeine like green tea) in moderate amounts to keep up your metabolic rate.
  7. Take any natural multi vitamin and diet supplements from to avoid any deficiency consequent of limited food intake.


Before you know it you’ll be looking your dream-self and it’ll be all worth it. Now its up to you to embark on it and come out with flying colors.

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